Hatsune Miku is a persona and Voice developed by Crypton Future Media using Yamaha's Vocaloid 2 synthesizing technology. Her official stats are; AGE: 16, HEIGHT: 5'2" / 158 cm, WEIGHT: 92.4 lbs / 42 k. Of the Vocaloids, She is the most well known, popular and prefect. Quite literally she is a blessing upon this universe and proof that a holy, loving, all powerful being exist. To deny this solid disprovable fact is to deny the basis on which creation is founded, to deny that happiness and love exist, to deny that goodness is real, and to be a enormous unrelenting faggot. No offense to actual unrelenting faggots out there, I admire your relentlessness.
Her immense popularity is thanks partly to a nip site niconico it's like YouTube™ only full of soulless Japanese filth spouting their excrement online, it's well known the Japanese collectively used up what little soul they had creating Hatsune Miku so they're nothing more than walking sacks of perverted shame and flesh, but mostly because Hatsune Miku is a miracle of the universe. She is a prefect creation, a light in the darkness, a reason for the madness, the source of all happiness and joy, the originator of love and purity, the most benevolent and sincere being in all creation. Her popularity has nothing to do with the fact that all Japanese are insanely obsessive pedophiles who live with their parents, slowly coming to terms with the fact that they will never amount to anything and finally choking them selves with their fetid unwashed socks.
As to why I am obsessed with her? I may or may not be suffering from intense psychotic depression that is causing me to cling to my idea of the prefect female (Hatsune Miku) and show devotion to said idea through amassing thousands upon thousands of images and thousands of dollars of related merchandise, by staying up in the late hours of the night to download the latest album, by poisoning any of my friends who dare speak ill. All with the hope that some cosmic quark in the universe will bring her forth to play amongst us unworthy mortals. Although I might simply enjoy the music, seeing as she is an instrument and many great doujin artist have made good use of her and produced a lot of content , which I enjoy and as a good fan would I support her by buying merchandise and introducing her to others.
Thanks for reading
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